cross media recruiting
Cost-efficient and professional personnel search by all means.
We offer you the necessary know-how and handle the complicated and time-consuming process for you.
- Advice on the selection and placement of job advertisements in all available Internet job exchanges and/or daily and trade journals
- Selection and use of combined offers both on the Internet and in print media
- Agreement on framework contracts with the Internet job exchanges
- Agreement on publishing discounts with the print media
- Support in writing and designing your job advertisement
- Use of university job exchanges
- Keywording / selection of additional suitable keywords in Internet advertisements to increase the applicant response
- Publication monitoring
- Complaints handling
- Update, change and delete service
- Use of extension options
- Advice on the selection and use of applicant databases
- Recruiting activities at trade fairs
- Use of Xing, Linkedin, Experteer, etc. for personnel search
- Original price of online job exchanges and publishers minus customer discount from us
- Agreed service fee for the use of free job exchanges
- Of course, we can also support you in the entire application management. We will gladly submit an individual offer to you.